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South Bend Lathes 1920 - 1930
South Bend literature is available

South Bend 1941 Catalog Complete

South Bend Catalogs Complete Editions 1918 to 1967

South Bend Lathes pre-1920  South Bend Lathes 1920-30

South Bend Model 5 - Earliest of the 9-inch "Workshop" Lathes

First Ever Model 5 Catalog - the original "mention" of the 9-inch

South Bend 9-inch "Workshop" Lathe  South Bend 9-inch Catalogs

South Bend Lathe Accessories

8-inch & 9-inch Junior & Model R   8-inch and 9-inch Junior Lathes Photographic Essays

Historic, very early 1910 South Bend 10-inch  Series 20 Toolroom Lathe - Superbly Restored

South Bend Heavy Ten - an overview   South Bend Heavy 10 from 1961 and 1991 Models

South Bend Heavy Ten Specification Catalogs   South Bend 10-K Light Ten

South Bend G-26-T   South Bend Silent-chain Drive Lathes

South Bend Lifted-Centre-Height Lathes

Copies and Clones of South Bend Lathes:
Boxford, Ace, Blomqvist, Smart & Brown, Purcell, Sheraton, Hercus, Sanches Blanes

Special Factory Production Machines   South Bend Factory   Making the South Bend

South Bend Users' Group   How old is my South Bend Lathe? The Rarest South Bend Lathe

South Bend Shapers    Rebuilding a 1952 South Bend 13-inch (large PDF)

South Bend Junior 9" backgeared screwcutting lathe with the maker's optional "Horizontal Drive Unit" (any form of enclosure for drive belts was a rarity at this time) with a 0.5 hp. 1200 rpm motor and drum-type reversing switch. This 1929 lathe, showing clear evidence of the famous South Bend lines, was available with between-centres capacities of 11", 18",  23", 29" and 36" with prices ranging from $163 to $190. This was South Bend's first attempt at a smaller lathe and was, in effect, a 10" lathe with reduced centre height. As a consequence parts from the larger lathe - the screwcutting gearbox and power feed apron can, with a little fiddling, be made to fit although unfortunately bits from the later and much more common 9-inch cannot be used - a good example would be the tumble-reverse mechanism that, as on the 10" lathe, featured a spring-loaded, solid-bronze lever and brass-covered handle with positive indent location. The later lathe, with its 50% narrower bed, had a much simpler tumble reverse with a plain, cast lever clamped in place with a bolt and different pitch gears.

A wide range of industrial-quality, backgeared, screwcutting lathes was manufactured by South Bend and, so similar in appearance were the various sizes that, at a distance, it is sometimes very  difficult to tell exactly which is which. The lathe above is the 11" model with screwcutting gearbox and the model below the 18" version. The models in between were available with 13", 15" and 16" swings over the bed and with between-centres capacities ranging from 16 to 64 inches. Prices started at $585 for the short bed version and went up to $810 for the longest.  Missing from the South Bend lathe range until 1920 was the option of a screwcutting gearbox; rival makers had offered such a fitting for many years and South Bend's slowness to appreciate what a useful and profitable accessory it was is difficult to understand.

South Bend Large-Swing lathe. Jacking up the headstock and tailstock of a lathe is nothing new, as shown by this late 1920's machine. The lathe was constructed from standard parts, taken form the contemporary production series, but mounted on hollow, cast raising blocks which blended smoothly into the machine's original lines. The aim was to produce a lathe capable of not only  very-large diameter boring and facing, but regular work as well.  Three belt-drive models were available designated Models 1, 2 and 3 with swings of 32.5", 36.25" and 42.25" respectively. The same range of lathes was also available with a built-on countershaft unit with "Silent Chain" drive from an electric motor - when they became known as the 301, 302 and 303. Prices started at $488 for the smallest belt-drive model and rose to $1880 for the long-bed, chain-drive version.

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South Bend Lathes 1920 - 1930
South Bend literature is available

South Bend 1941 Catalog Complete

South Bend Catalogs Complete Editions 1918 to 1967

South Bend Lathes pre-1920  South Bend Lathes 1920-30

South Bend Model 5 - Earliest of the 9-inch "Workshop" Lathes

First Ever Model 5 Catalog - the original "mention" of the 9-inch

South Bend 9-inch "Workshop" Lathe  South Bend 9-inch Catalogs

South Bend Lathe Accessories

8-inch & 9-inch Junior & Model R   8-inch and 9-inch Junior Lathes Photographic Essays

Historic, very early 1910 South Bend 10-inch  Series 20 Toolroom Lathe - Superbly Restored

South Bend Heavy Ten - an overview   South Bend Heavy 10 from 1961 and 1991 Models

South Bend Heavy Ten Specification Catalogs   South Bend 10-K Light Ten

South Bend G-26-T   South Bend Silent-chain Drive Lathes

South Bend Lifted-Centre-Height Lathes

Copies and Clones of South Bend Lathes:
Boxford, Ace, Blomqvist, Smart & Brown, Purcell, Sheraton, Hercus, Sanches Blanes

Special Factory Production Machines   South Bend Factory   Making the South Bend

South Bend Users' Group   How old is my South Bend Lathe? The Rarest South Bend Lathe

South Bend Shapers    Rebuilding a 1952 South Bend 13-inch (large PDF)