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Induma 1S-43 Milling Machine

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Induma MM Series Millers   Induma NL55 Millers

Induma NL50 Millers       

Manuals are available for Induma Millers

Built alongside the standard Induma 1/S and the heavier-duty 1/S-CE, the 1S-43 retained the same ram-head assembly and table of the ordinary 1S but was fitted with a very different knee assembly. Head types, travels and options remained identical, although the table travels were slightly reduced.
The full specification can be found below in English and German..

Manuals are available for Induma Millers

Induma 1/S Home Page   Induma 1/S-CE Miller

Induma 1S-43 Miller   Induma NL/49 & VM/49 Millers   Induma NL50 Millers

Induma NL/56 & 56/60 Millers   Induma NL-63 Miller

Induma NL/75 & NL/87   Induma VM60, VM70 & VM90 Millers

Induma MM Series Millers   Induma NL55 Millers         

Induma 1S-43 Milling Machine
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