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Site Updated Monday 24th March 2025. Copyright Tony Griffiths 2025
This material written by and the copyright of Tony Griffiths (© Tony Griffiths), 1998 - 2025. All rights reserved, worldwide. Material may not be copied nor reproduced in whole or part without written permission from the author
March 2025: Individual visitors last 12 months = 7,000,000+
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Designed during the early 1920s by John Wilhelm and manufactured until the 1940s, the Ames Triplex was an attempt to produce a "reasonably priced combination machine" able to perform as a lathe, borer and a horizontal and vertical miller/driller. The maker's slogan was: Three Machine Tools in One - Occupies One-Third Space - One-Third Cost. Priced at just $485 in basic form, or around $610 compete on a cast-iron base with accessories. $600 might sound reasonable now, but, at the time this would have bought a Chevy Roadster or three South Bend 9-inch lathes - so the concept of "reasonably priced" was only in the minds of those in the marketing department.
Dedicated Archive Search: entering term in the box below. e.g. "watchmakers lathe" or "screwcutting" in inverted commas will produce several pages of links arranged in sets of 10.
Information on watchmakers' lathes and an index of manufacturers.
Books for Model & Experimental Engineering
Drive belts: flat, round, link and V all available made to custom length or supplied as a kit with instructions.
The entire archive of the world's largest collection of machine tool literature is now available on a 32GB USB memory stick. The whole of the site becomes available immediately - the pictures load instantly and the hyperlinks all connect as if one-line. 25,000+ pages and over 257,000 images.
Order HerePrivate and trade advertisments for lathes, milling machines and other machine tools.
If you have any original manuals or other literature relating to old machine tools please do make contact. High-quality reproductions of thousands of handbooks, electrical diagrams and sales catalogues are available.
Site Updated Monday 24th March 2025. Copyright Tony Griffiths 2025