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Tyme Wood-turning Lathes
Tyme Lathes Home Page   Tyme SL 750   Tyme Classic   Tyme 17/37

Manuals are available for the AvonCub  and  Gem  lathes
Drive belts also available - buy ones for the Cub here and for the Avon here

Tyme "Avon" woodturning lathe

Tyme "Avon" bowl-turning equipment

The little 50 mm x 220 mm Tyme "Gem" woodturning lathe with its standard equipment variable-speed motor

Type Home Page   Tyme SL 750   Tyme Classic   Tyme 17/37

Tyme Wood Lathes

Manuals are available for the AvonCub  and  Gem  lathes
Drive belts also available - buy ones for the Cub here and for the Avon here

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