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SAUPE Mini-Turn MD200
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Operation and Parts Manual for the Saupe MD200
A greatly simplified version of the better-known Hobbymat MD65 and lacking both a multi-speed drive system and power feed to the carriage, the Saupe Mini-Turn MD200 appears to have been a low-cost machine confined to the mainland European market. In place of the eight speeds of the Hobbymat, which spanned 250 to 2000 r.p.m., the Mini-Turn made do with just three, direct from the motor to an overhung pulley on the end of the headstock spindle. The speeds, 560, 1000 and 2000 r.p.m., were rather high and thus limited the machine to a rather narrow range of work. Also missing was a swivelling top slide and the power feed to the carriage, the lathe becoming in effect a plain-turning type - again greatly reducing its usefulness and versatility in a modeller's workshop. Instead of the carriage-drive screw passing down the front of the bed, as on the MD65, on the Saupe it ran along the rear, being supported by a plate bolted to the end of the bed and "overhung" where it passed through the rear of the carriage casting..
Some high-resolution picture - may be slow to load
The very basic Saupe MD200 miniature lathe
In place of the eight speeds of the Hobbymat, that spanned 250 to 2000 r.p.m., the Mini-Turn made do with just three, direct from the motor to an overhung pulley on the end of the headstock spindle. The speeds, 560, 1000 and 2000 r.p.m., were rather high - thus limiting the machine to a rather narrow range work.
Instead of the carriage-drive screw passing down the front of the bed, as on the MD65, on the Saupe it ran along the rear, being supported by a plate bolted to the end of the bed and "overhung" where it passed through the rear of the carriage casting.