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Parkinson "Parkson" No 1 and No. 1N
Milling Machines

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Parkson Adapta Mill  Parkson M1200 and M1250
Manuals are available for a number of Parkson milling machines

Advice and possibly further help from a retired Parkinson
engineer is available by phoning 0793-944052

Parkson No. 1 as made  during the 1930s. Note the round overarm - typical of the period - and the general arrangement  of the machine and its controls that both remained unaltered through its production life

Parkson No. 1 as made from the late 1930 until the late 1940s. The only significant alteration was the use of a very much more rigid overarm

Parkson No. 1 as manufactured from the early 1950s onwards. Although all-new in terms of major castings, this model was almost the same mechanically as earlier versions. Electrical controls were much improved - a built-in motor drive now being standard - and, not before time, larger micrometer dials fitted.

1930s to 1940s drive system with the optional built-in motor driving a wide flat belt

Parkson No. 1 as arranged for drive from a factory's line shafting

Spindle from the Parkson No. 1

Of lighter construction than that used on the Parkson No. 2 model the Short Lead and Feed Reducer was bolted to the end of table (shortening the travel by around 6 inches). The device contained gears with a 20 : 1 reduction that coupled to the table feed screw. The operator was thus able to move the table with great precision, if rather slowly. However, its main use was in conjunction with the power-driven dividing head (shown below), when it allowed screw threads or spirals of short single or multiple lead to be milled when the spindle had to make a complete revolution during a relatively short longitudinal movement of the table (so making the speed of cut far too high). By providing a very slow rate of table travel (the spindle, connected by changewheels to the feed screw still rotated at the same speed) it became possible to mill threads and spirals that would otherwise have been unobtainable - the intended range of leads being between 0.1 and 2 inches.

Short Lead and Feed Reducer being used in combination with a power-driven dividing head and the Universal Milling Attachment Style B to mill a thread

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Parkson Adapta Mill  Parkson M1200 and M1250
Manuals are available for a number of Parkson milling machines

Parkinson "Parkson" No 1 and No. 1N
Milling Machines

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