A beautifully maintained late-model Myford ML2 with a number of sensible modifications: oiler caps on the spindle bearings; large handles on both top and cross slide with face-locking micrometer dials; improved changewheel studs (not visible); a graduated handle on the leadscrew end and a neat plinth to bring the machine up to a comfortable working height.
The neat, swing-head countershaft that made bench mounting and adjustment of the belt tension so much easier. The motor was attached to the cast-iron frame. Final drive could be by
Early Myford ML1 or ML2. Note the distinguishing rectangular-form of the cast-in leadscrew-support bracket and the demountable gear on the end of the spindle retained by a stop ring. The first Myford lathes were painted black but, at some point in the early 1930s, the makers switched to what they described as grey/blue but which in fact resembled a horrid "vomit green"; one might guess that they came across a supply of paint at an austion--thank goodness it wasn't General Motors Pulsating Primrose. Very early models had no changewheel or backgear covers and when the latter were fitted, the first were rather short in comparison with the later
Myford ML4 with tumble reverse and micrometer dials on top and cross-feed screws. Note the simple flat end plate supporting the outer end of the cross-slide feed screw - a design used on most examples of the lathe
An exception to the rule: a 1943 onwards ML2 fitted with a step-out support bracket for the cross-feed screw
It can be done: the complete tumble reverse bracket from an ML7 mounted on a small-spindle ML4 - a version of the lathe never intended to accept the installation
Rare, hinge-open changewheel cover fitted to a Myford ML2
The first ML1 to ML4 changewheel cover hinged on a bar carried on a casting bolted to the back of the headstock.
Bar and casting to carry the changewheel cover. Note the greatly improved changewheel studs, engineered by an enthusiastic (and skilled) owner.
Another view of the changewheel cover bracket arm
MA62 & MA62A: fixed steady for ML4 and ML2. MA63 & MA64: travelling. MA69: hand-turning rest. MA66/1: 4-way toolpost. MA71: machine vice - the last item, which fitted the vertical milling slide, remained available, unchanged, until about 1993. MA68/1: swivelling milling slides. MA67/1: plain milling slide. MA83 & MA83V motor pulleys MA73 & MA74 V-block. MA70: angle plate. MA85: drive dogs.
MA51 & MA52: a light, cast-iron stand for treadle operation (note the letter M cast into each leg) that was later adapted to carry a motorised countershaft unit, clamped to the underside of the chip tray and in line with the original belt cut-outs. The motor was slung low down, on two simple lugs carried by the bar that had previously acted as the foot-treadle hinge. MA103: the final and best stand made; modelled on that developed for the Myford/Drummond M-Type lathe with a built-on, 12-speed all-V-belt countershaft unit. MA61: a non-adjustable, simple countershaft for flat belt drive ML2/ML4 lathes. MA97 & MA97A: a fully-adjustable Myford V-belt countershaft drive unit for ML2/ML4 bench-mounted models. MA58: a "foot motor" MA59: a fast-and-loose type countershaft for wall or ceiling mounting
While Randa, Gamages, Zyto, Drummond - and even occasionally Portass - would run regular and effective half-page advertisements during the closing years of the 1930s, Myford were known for a somewhat more parsimonious approach and the above is the only known example of other than a tiny display advertisement in the Model engineering press.
A few parts continued to be available until the 1960s