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INDEX (Germany) Swiss-type Automatic Lathes
- 1964 Factory Tour
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Manuals are available for many INDEX lathes

INDEX Factory Home Page   INDEX Factory Page 3    Detailed Manufacturing Process of INDEX Lathes

Other Makes of Swiss-Auto Lathes: BechlerGauthier, Logos, Petermann

Multi-spindle and four-spindle drilling machines

Deep-hole boring machine manufactured by the German VDF group

An American-designed  DeVlieg Type 2B-36 - a machine with the reputation for super-accurate, jig-free machining. However, this is almost certainly a UK-made machine, manufactured under licence by Herbert

Another fine-quality American machine tool used in the INDEX works was this Giddings and Lewis Horizontal borer. As it was accurate enough to perform in a similar way to the DeVlieg - able to produce interchangeable work without the use of jigs - the factory employing it for both small batch work and one-off jobs

A Köllmann twin-head production milling machine. Whilst one casting was being face-milled on both sides simultaneously the table was long enough for the operator to load and prepare the next in line.

Surface grinding of the upper main frames. Previously hand-scraped, the factory found (unsurprisingly) that grinding gave a more consistent finish in a shorter time

Part of the general machine shop where large castings were handled. Although INDEX originally had their own foundry, this was abandoned and instead they bought from trusted, high-class suppliers in the local Stuttgart region with whom technicians were interchanged.

An English Wadkin articulated router. A machine developed from woodworking pattern-making -practice and adapted here to machine aluminium castings

Radial-arm drill with two swivelling faceplates set at right-angles to each other.  The jobs are jig-mounted and rotated as necessary to complete the machining at one loading

Why not use what you make?  A bank of INDEX lathes being used to manufacture components for other INDEX lathes

Vertical honing machine by Nagel GmbH of Nürtingen accurate to 0.001mm. The stroke of the machine was controlled hydraulically with compressed air moving the grinding stones of the honing tool onto the wall of the hole. The amount of material removed was measured by a pneumatic device and, once to size, cut off the air supply so ending the operation.

Cams controlled the INDEX operating mechanism and here one is being custom-made on a special machine constructed in-house by the factory

INDEX Factory Home Page   INDEX Factory Page 3   Detailed Manufacturing Process of INDEX Lathes

Manuals are available for many INDEX lathes

Other Makes of Swiss-Auto Lathes: BechlerGauthier, Logos, Petermann

INDEX (Germany) Automatic Swiss-type Lathes
- 1964 Factory Tour
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