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Cincinnati Milling Machines
UK Factory
Dial Type Millers   Early Dial Types   Late Dial Types   Operating the Dial Type
Cincinnati Home Page   Accessories   Factory   Cincinnati Cinedo
Cincinnati Toolmaster  2MI, 2ML 203, 205, 307 & 410   8" x 18" Tool & Die Miller   Cincinnati Contourmaster

  Cincinnati Tool & Cutter Grinder No. 2   Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder   Serial Numbers

Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manuals
are available for most Cincinnati Millers

The Birmingham, England factory building as it appeared  in the 1930s and 1940s

The Birmingham, England factory building as photographed in the 1960s

Part of the assembly line showing Dial Type millers being built up

Milling Machine Department. A batch of Cincinnati millers  being used to produced parts for - Cincinnati millers…..

Automatic screw machine and turret lathe department. A typical factory scene from the 1930s where the use of deep windows maximised the amount of available daylight

The well-lit Birmingham drawing office

Alignment test being carried out  on new machines

Alignment test during assembly

Assembly department with Dial Type vertical millers being  built up

A specially-constructed large horizontal boring machine with extended table being used to machine the base of a Dial Type vertical

A Cincinnati Hydromatic being used to machine the column bearings on the knee of a Dial Type miller

Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manuals are available for most Cincinnati Millers

Cincinnati Dial Type Millers   

Early Cincinnati Dial Type Millers   

Late Cincinnati Dial Types   

Operating the Cincinnati Dial Type 

Cincinnati Accessories   

Cincinnati Factory   

Cincinnati Cinedo Miller   

Cincinnati Toolmaster   

Millers 2MI, 2ML 203, 205, 307 & 410   

8" x 18" Tool & Die Miller   

Cincinnati Contourmaster 

Cincinnati Serial Numbers

Cincinnati Tool & Cutter Grinder No. 2

Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder

Cincinnati Milling Machines
UK Factory
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