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South Bend Lathes Catalogs
South Bend Catalogs were published late in the year preceding their publication date

South Bend All-models Catalog 1918

South Bend "Junior" Catalog 1923

South Bend All-models Catalog 1933

South Bend All-models Catalog 1936 

South Bend All-models Catalog 1941

South Bend All-models Catalog 1952

South Bend All-models Catalog 1967

The following six catalogs track the development of the well-known and widely-copied South Bend 9-inch "Workshop" lathe. From its beginnings in 1933/4 as a simple but well-made depression-era model, it was to become, in 1940, a lathe with a very much more advanced specification together with a wider choice of drive systems. The final deployment of the lathe - the 'Light Ten' -  is covered in the catalog for the 1950s.

South Bend 'Model 5' Catalog  (first "9-inch Workshop Lathe)

South Bend 9-inch Workshop Lathe Catalog 1936
South Bend 9-inch Workshop Lathe Catalog 1941
South Bend 9-inch Workshop Lathe Catalog 1948   

South Bend Light Ten Lathe Catalog 1950s

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Manuals and Catalogs are available for South Bend Lathes