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SCHAUBLIN "Jura", 65 and 70 Lathes Accessories 65 & 70 Accessories Page 2 65 & 70 Accessories Page 3
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Schaublin "Jura"
Accessories were an integral part of the Schaublin system and allowed a simple, plain-turning lathe to be used for a wide variety of work. In this the Swiss were following well-established American practice and offered (in addition to the usual steadies and collets) a wide range of (profitable) extras. Amongst these, from the very earliest days, were screw and lever-operated slide rests, toolpost-mounted milling and grinding heads (for drive by round-rope "overhead" systems), thread-chasing systems, screwcutting and power feed attachments, revolving tailstock turrets for simple repetition work, lever-action collet closers for the headstock and various kinds of milling slides. Many of the items were adapted from or identical to those made for the 90 and 102 models and, as the years passed more became available until, by the late 1930s, the range almost equalled that offered by the likes of B.C.Ames, Hjorth, Pratt & Whitney, Rivett, Cataract and Hardinge, etc. If you have a selection of Schaublin 65 and 70 accessories and can contribute photographs, the writer would be delighted to hear from you..
A Schaublin 70 equipped as a "centring lathe". The units fitted include, from the left, a 2-step driving headstock, housing with removable top to take a variety of quills (that fitted being in steel, 138 mm in diameter with three radial T-slots, twenty-one M6 tapped holes and three clamps). The standard compound slide is fitted with a vertical slide carrying a centring microscope.
Headstock-mounted thread-chasing attachment circa 1924/5
Lever-operated slide rest--1924/5 model
Early, simple "flat-backed" milling slide and high-speed spindle - the latter driven from an "overhead" by a round rope. Later slides where of a much heavier, more rigid construction with a huge hump at the back
1920s lever-action headstock collet closer
1920s screwcutting attachment (to drive the top slide)
High-speed grinding spindle for use in the toolpost. Powered by an "overhead" round-belt drive system.
Tailstock capstan attachment - one of the harder-to-find Schaublin 65 and 70 accessories. The unit had five stations with indexing by a separate spring housing to the rear
Drum head from the tailstock-mounted capstan attachment
The capstan unit mounted ready for action