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Warco GH-1300 Lathe

With a geared headstock, a 7-inch centre height and 24 inches between centres, the Warco GH 1330 lathe was a well built and specified lathe. Points of interest included a detachable gap piece in the bed, induction hardened bedways, a full inch and metric screwcutting and feeds gearbox, a safety overload clutch on the power-feed shaft, a safely enclosed leadscrew and a powerful spindle brake. Single-phase electrics were fitted for the amateur market, these being quality items European components by Siemens or Telemachanique.
Equipment provided as standard (this might have varied over its selling period) included a 3-jaw chuck, 4-jaw  chuck, quick change toolpost, micrometer carriage stop, thread-dial indicator and an interlocked chuck guard.

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