Another Lorch Geneva-pattern 3-lathe set in the maker's fitted case. Again, three headstocks were provided: a standard unit, a type able to be swivelled (with an overhung pulley) and one with a permanently-fitted faceplate with clamps. The three types are shown below carried on the bench mount.
Swivel headstock with over-hung drive pulley. An overhung pulley might be considered a bold move and it was not until after-WW2 that it was taken up by a number of makers including Pultra and IME in the UK. The arrangement, allowed for a much simpler, cheaper - and yet just as effective construction
A rare Lorch WW-type watchmaker's lathe as a boxed set. Compared with the Geneva-pattern machines these originally very expensive lathes are in short supply.
An especially fine, late type 6 mm "Geneva" pattern lathe in its original, fitted maker's box. Accessories include the robust, cast-iron bench mount stand, a compound slide-rest assembly, a bed with revolving headstock with the usual 60 division indexing ring, a second bed and headstock unit with a permanently mounted (hence absolutely accurate) pump-centre faceplate with clamps; T-rest holder and T-rest; an ordinary tailstock; a lever-feed tailstock which accepts the 6 mm split chucks and collets; 24 split chucks from 0,6 to 5,0 mm in 0,2 mm steps; a vertical slide with a high-speed milling, grinding and drilling attachment; a grinding & polishing accessory; the original Lorch 4-jaw chuck with original key; carrier chuck ( the arbor of this chuck also accepts the 4-jaw chuck); original Lorch 6-jaw universal bezel chuck; a set of 5 ring chucks; a set of 5 step chucks; universal runner with different plates for drilling and for polishing pivots; sinking tools; single and double roller file rest; 8 screw chucks; wood screw chuck; wax chucks; circular saw chuck, Jacot unit and drive dogs.
By the 1950s Lorch, together with other makers of watch lathes, were moving towards a more integrated design. Usually, this type of lathe was now more commonly mounted on a cast base with built-on motor mount - though in this case, the lathe and its drive look to be unusual and set for "Left-hand" working. Contemporay lathes arranged on this type of base - though with a conventional working position - include the Lorch "Junior" (shown lower down the page), George Jacob and late-models of English IME and Pultra Models "17/50 and "17/70"
An example of a very late Lorch--the neatly presented and beautifully finished "Junior". This lathe is representative of the Lorch effort to upgrade and better present their range of watchmakers' lathes from the early 1950s onwards. Note the angle table and lapping wheel behind the lathe and the two front-mounted wrist rests.
Lorch Schmidt Type WW lathe from 1910. Based on the heavier-pattern watchmakers' lathes invented in America this model, the "Kosmo", had a 50 mm centre height and could be specified with 300, 400 or 500 mm between centres. Intended for production use, the 8 mm collets were closed by a quick-action, spring-loaded lever. Price: 50ff
A Lorch Type LL1 (circa 1905) fitted with screwcutting and a screw-feed compound slide rest this was of heavier construction being intended for clock and similar larger precision jobs. 65 mm centre height by 300 or 500 mm between centres it accepted usefully large 10 mm collets. In comparison to the basic Lorch WW lathe this was very much more expensive at 515ff
A fine, original example of a Lorch LL1
A lighter "Geneva" pattern Lorch Schmidt with a round bed flattened on the back. This model was also available in a boxed set complete with a wide range of accessories.
Probably marketed as "Set No. 2" this outfit would have provided the watch repairer with all the basic equipment. Sets 3 and upwards would have included such luxuries as a compound slide rest, two types of tailstock (with a sliding spindle and a lever-feed spindle), drive plate, screwcutting attachment and changewheels, vertical milling slide, pivot polisher, milling and grinding spindle, 3-jaw self-centring chuck (sometimes called a "Universal Chuck"), 4-jaw independent chuck, drill chuck for headstock or tailstock use, wheel-cutting attachment with division plate (to cut what the laymen would call gears but which are known to the watchmaker as "wheels"), a "Mandrel" - in effect a spare headstock with a "faceplate" attached used for super-precision work - and numerous smaller accessories including a single or double roller rest, fixed steady, saw table, Jacot Drum. pivoting attachment, lapping attachment, wax chucks, button or crown chucks, wood screw chuck, wood turning chuck, emery wheel chucks, lantern chucks in bronze and steel, circular saw chuck, carrier chuck, balance chuck, micrometer-adjustable boring head, adjustable eye glass and a self-centring drilling attachment.
Very early (circa 1890) Lorch Schmidt "Triumph" watchmakers' lathe with its outboard drive pulley and hand-turned driving unit. A version was also made with a swivelling headstock
A Lorch Schmidt watchmaker's lathe of the 1930s that has seen better days but readily identifiable (in addition to the maker's name engraved on the front face) by the large "grooved" ring against the left-hand face of the pulley and the long nose taper of the spindle end.