Self-contained Motor-drive and Countershaft Unit "Type AB"
Above: the basic Countershaft unit was supplied in two lengths to suit the 12" or 18" bed lathes. Extra pulleys, as well as clamp-on Idler Pulleys (shown below) could be mounted on the shaft to drive accessories such as the grinding head and milling slide.
Powered accessories, no matter how awkwardly aligned they are with the lathe bed, can be driven by looping their drive rope around the adjustable Idler Pulley Attachment.
Alternative forms of Idler Pulley Attachment: Left - the Auxiliary Motor and Swivelling Idler (Code ACAE) designed to make the driving of powered accessories independent of the lathe motor. Below - the Idler Pulley Stand (Code ISPP) mounted to the bench top by a single screw. The height and cross-arms' settings can be altered to bring the drive belt to any desired position
Ball Bearing Spindle lathes The Levin "Watchmakers" lathe was constructed with the long familiar and traditional "D" shaped bed; the swing was 3.94" and distance between centres either 3.5" - with the 12-inch long bed - or 9.5" with an 18-inch bed. The bed was identical in cross section and centre height to other Levin lathes - and so allowed for the economical interchangeability of accessories between them. Both ball and cone-type plain-bearing headstock spindles were available, the latter with either bronze or hard-steel bearings. The most expensive lathes were fitted with a ball-bearing headstock spindle, the cheapest with bronze-cone bearings - the difference in price across the range being some 40%. Whilst the ball-race and hard-steel headstocks could be ordered with either D or WW type collets, the bronze bearing model was restricted to the WW collets only. Tailstocks were offered with either a simple "push" barrel or one controlled by a lever-operated rack and pinion. In standard form a conventional tip-up tool rest was the sole fitting on the bed, but a very wide range of superbly made accessories was available to turn the lathe into a miniature machining centre.
Levin Ball-bearing headstock "Watchmaker's" 18-inch bed lathe with "push" tailstock barrel. Code ABEO with WW collets, 18" bed and "push" tailstock barrel Code ABIE with D collets, 18" bed and "push" tailstock barrel Code ABEP with WW collets, 18" bed and lever-action tailstock barrel Code ABEQ with D collets, 18" bed and lever-action tailstock barrel
Levin Ball-bearing headstock "Watchmaker's" 12-inch bed lathe with lever-action tailstock barrel. Code ABBQ with WW collets, 12" bed and "push" tailstock barrel Code ABID with D collets, 12" bed and "push" tailstock barrel Code ABBR with WW collets, 12" bed and lever-action tailstock barrel Code ABBT with D collets, 12" bed and lever-action tailstock barrel
Tailstock with "Push" barrel and an adjustable stop
Levin Turret lathe Code ABHE (WW Collet) & ABHF (D collet) with 18" bed, ball-bearing headstock spindle, double-tool rest cross slide, 6-position turret and lever-action collet closer. Turret lathes All types of Levin lathe can be converted into miniature production machines, for second operation work and the manufacture of instrument parts, by the addition of a bed-mounted turret unit, double tool side (sometimes called a cut-off slide) and a lever-operated collet closer. The cross slide has a swivelling slide at the end nearer the operator and a tool block at the rear. Adjustable stops are fitted to each slide, allowing accurate repetitive movements. The turret head, with six half-inch diameter holes, is self indexing and runs on hardened steel ways, so guaranteeing long life and sustained accuracy. When new (as on all accessories of this type) the rotating head was supplied with undersized holes to allow final boring out by the lathe on which it was to be used. Transferring a turret from another machine may mean buying a new rotating head assembly and boring it out - if perfect accuracy is required In catalog form the turret lathe was offered with a headstock spindle running in either ball-bearings (Code ABHE for WW collets and Code ABHF for D collets) or with a hard-steel cone bearing (Code ABIL) which, in the case of the Turret lathe, took WW collets only.
Using the lever-operated toolslide. Levers provide a wonderfully delicate direct "feel", - which is especially useful when delicate components are being machined. Used in conjunction cross-feed stops, and with six tools mounted in the self-indexing head, small-batch production of intricate and critically dimensioned components can be achieved by even unskilled operators.
Splash guard Code ABKI (lathe) and ABKJ (milling or grinding attachment) to fit over the spindle nose and prevent coolant spraying on the operator.
Accessories Accessories are the key to making the very best use of a precision lathe. If the basic machine tool is well-built and accurate enough to form a solid foundation, then numerous useful guides, formers, cutters, grinders, drills and milling attachments can be mounted on it and will perform as well (is not as conveniently) as stand-alone machines. The accessories listed by the makers of high-class machine tools do seem to vary as the years go by, items frequently being dropped from the catalogs as demand slackens or alternatives become available. Batches of special or modified items were frequently manufactured for specialist use, and these were sometimes never listed or illustrated in the firm's sales lists; if you find an "unusual" unit, this might explain its origin. So sort-after are certain accessories - the milling and grinding heads in particular - that on the rare occasions when they become available on the open market prices are correspondingly high. One way of negating this is to build up a stock of accessories that you can offer in part exchange; the owners of fine-quality machine tools tend to keep them for many years and, if you have something to tempt a seller with other than cash, that couldbe the deciding factor in your favour.
Simple "push" type tailstock barrel with accessory Micrometer Stop.
Milling Attachment (Code MAOO) carries a swivelling spindle (with a travel of 2.5", running in pre-loaded, lubricated-for-life, precision ball races) designed to take WW sized collets. The swivel is graduated in degrees, the feed screw is hardened and ground and a friction-type zeroing micrometer dial, calibrated in 0.001".
Milling Attachment in use cutting a keyway
Fixed Steady with hardened jaws - capacity 1"
Heavy Duty Compound Slide Rest Code ABLW with screw feed to both cross and top slides Levin slide rests have been available in many different styles and with multiple combinations of features - and besides being interchangeable across the Levin range are easily adaptable to fit other makes of miniature precision lathe. Made from Meehanite iron, the rests are can be found in both Standard and Heavy-duty (covered top slide) versions with either two screw feeds, two lever feeds or any combination of lever and screw feed on the top and bottom units - special "Triple-compound" units have also been produced, as well as double-tool slides specifically designed to improve the functionality of the Turret lathes. The ground-finish feed screws are fitted with ball thrust bearings and zeroing micrometer dials having a non-glare finish. The hardened stops on both slides consist of a long bar, which slides in the casting, for coarse settings and a locking micrometer screw protruding through the face of the end flange for fine adjustment. With its degree graduations on a bevel surface for easy reading, the swivelling top slide is clamped by two T bolts and carries a toolpost which can be height adjusted. The circular base of the toolpost extends over the T slot and provides a large area against which the thrust of the T bolt is taken, so eliminating any chance of the slot being "broken out". Both lever and screw feed slides can be converted very easily from one type to the other by bolting on the appropriate parts - it is not necessary to buy a complete, new slide. Levin accessories continued here
Heavy-Duty Compound Slide Rest Code ABLX with lever feed to both cross and top slides. Any combination of screw or lever feed could be supplied to order. Slide rests here
Standard Type of screw-feed compound slide rest in use.
All-screw feed Standard Type triple-compound slide rest Code SRPO
All-screw feed Standard Compound Slide Rest Code ABAD
Lever-feed conversion unit Code ABLZ for the lower slide and Code ABLY for the upper
Screw-feed conversion unit Code ABMB for the lower slide and Code ABMA for the upper
Triple-feed Standard Type slide rest; a combination of lever and screw feeds Code SRLF
Double Tool Cross Slide for use on the turret lathe in second-operation, production work, parting off and form work. The swivelling top slide is rack-and-pinion operated and the back of the slide carries a rigid toolholder specially designed to carry inverted tools for parting off and forming - or for any other occasion where it is better to resolve the cutting forces down into the lathe bed rather than upwards into the headstock bearings. Both slides are fitted with adjustable stops. The base of the slide carries an adjustable guide which allows it to fit all Levin and other types of WW lathe.
Double-Tool Cross Slide in use.
The Grinding Spindle (Code ABDF) can be mounted in several ways and used for both grinding and drilling operations. The precision ball-bearing spindle carries WW collets.
Grinding Head in use driven through the Adjustable Idler Pulley Attachment
An Indexing Unit, Milling Slide and adjustable Idler Pulley Attachment being used to machine a clock gear wheel.
Graver Sharpening Set. A necessary part of successful hand-graver work (turning by holding the cutting tool in the hand) depends upon being able to keep the tool sharp. The Sharpening Set was available as a boxed kit, or as separate components, and designed to make this task as easy as possible. Levin Gravers, made from high-speed steel, 1/16" square and 2.5" long can be gripped in the special "pin chuck" and are useful for any kind of hand-turning work.
Graver Sharpening Accessory set up on the lathe
Diamond Laps To sharpen very small drills and other miniature tools, which require a very smooth edge, a lap used with diamond compound is indispensable. For most sharpening jobs a cast-iron lap is ideal but for polishing a boxwood lap is also available. The heads are 1 13/16" diameter and are supplied on either a WW or D collet - or plain for fitting to a grinding wheel arbor.
The Pivot Polisher and Grinder unit (Code TGOO) is mounted on a slide identical to that of the standard compound rest. The swivelling head is graduated in degrees and can be instantly locked by an eccentric. For very fine adjustment of the polishing lap, the head of the unit is provided with two thumb screws which allow the spindle to be moved through a limited arc; this adjustment is particularly useful when polishing or grinding the square shoulders of pivots. The spindle shaft and its bearings are made from hardened steel, carefully lapped to a precision fit for very high-speed use. The end of the spindle carries 4 degree taper, into which the end fittings are drawn by a through bolt. The unit can also be used for light grinding and a special grinding wheel mount (Code ABAE, illustrated below) is available which fits the spindle end. For heavier grinding jobs the proper attachment (Code ABDF) should be used. Various accessories are available for the Pivot Polisher - a lap truing arbor, lap reamer and various kinds of laps - which are illustrated below.
Pivot Polisher & Light Grinder unit mounted on the lathe with a drive via the Adjustable Idler Pulley.
Accessories for the Pivot Polisher - a lap truing arbor and a lap reamer. The arbor is made of tool steel, hardened and ground. The steel, brass and boxwood laps can be either straight-sided or with included angles of 12 or 24 degrees.
Another view of Pivot Polisher & Light Grinder unit in use.
Grinding Wheel Mount for the Pivot Polisher.
Diamond-tipped Grinding Wheel Truing Unit (Code ABJO). This fits any type WW lathe and can be used to true grinding wheels mounted in the headstock or on any of the various attachments. Levin Accessories continued here