High-quality small lathe of unusual design by the English maker Holbrook"> Edgar Lathe Page 2

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The "Edgar" Lathe by Holbrook

Edgar Home Page   Edgar Page 3 (Accessories)

Holbrook Home Page

A Catalogue is available for Edgar lathes

Headstock end of the set-over bed section

Bed set-over instructions engraved at the headstock end

Set-over screw at the tailstock end of the bed with the taper set marked in inches per foot

To give the top and cross slides as much travel as possible their feed screws ran through brackets on the end of extension bosses. While similar designs used extension pieces that covered the screws, here they were left exposed to the wearing properties of dirt and swarf.

Compound slide rest assembly

Micrometer  divisions engraved on the periphery of the handwheel

In order to provide an easily-read zero mark, an elegant swan-neck casting, with a line
engraved across its flat top, was arranged to curve up behind the leadscrew handwheel.

Top-slide handwheel and micrometer engravings

Edgar Home Page   Edgar Page 3 (Accessories)

Holbrook Home Page

A Catalogue is available for Edgar lathes

The "Edgar" Lathe by Holbrook
email: tony@lathes.co.uk
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If any reader has an Edgar lathe or information about the
company, the author would be pleased to hear from you