Dominion "Supreme" - largest of the company's woodworker models
Simultaneous jobs: on the Supreme: rebating and ripping with fence canted. Both surfacing tables could be raised and lowered as required
Thicknessing and crosscutting on the Supreme
Mitreing on the Supreme: the crosscut saw could be swung to any angle with positive stops provided at 90 and 45 degrees left and right and the centre column graduated in 5° divisions
Planer knife grinding attachment in use on a Supreme
Boring on a Supreme - using an optional-extra boring table bolted to the saw table and with a boring chuck is mounted on the opposite end of the crosscut spindle
Planer knife grinding attachment in use on a Supreme
Supreme electrical installation with all starters housed in one case together with an isolator. Each starter carried three thermal overloads and no-volt release and were operated by push-button contactors paced in convenient positions. The socket seen on the top of the case was used to power the mortising attachment, an accessory that came with its own motor
The Dominion saw setter was made in four sizes to suit all blades likely to be found on the company's machines. Fitted with hardened jaws, the top of the pair was fitted with a spring such that, after each tooth had been set, it sprang back into the open position.