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Derbyshire Vertical Micromill

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An unused, mint-condition Micromill, found in Boston and modified by the current owner to mount a variable-speed drive DC motor and controller from Sherline. The machine came with a precision, swivel-base toolmaker's vice and the correct maker's indexing head and tailstock assembly and, perhaps rather oddly, metric feed screws.  The headstock and the indexing head take 10 mm collets which a maximum bore of 8 mm - this being, happily, the same collets used in the tailstock of the owner's Levin lathe. While the very heavy - 50 lb -  cast-iron maker's base doubles a coolant sump, the holes to secure the pump had never been tapped. With thanks to Dan Rowe for the pictures

Note the snail cam of the head's downfeed, this allowing the unit to be used as a drill press

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Reproduction Derbyshire Literature is available

Derbyshire Vertical Micromill
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