A detailed Catalog is available for the Cross No. 20
Almost the full width of the main column, the turret head was rotated by worm-and wheel gearing
The front of the knee was of a pleasingly clean design - and completely enclosed against the ingress of swarf and dirt. The micrometer dials were positively locked by simple, through-acting, knurled-head screws; the very best method - if properly designed.
Ram fully in.
Ram at its full extension of 12 inches.
The quill and its housing were honed to a perfect fit and the spindle ran on precision "anti-friction" bearings - either ball or roller races. The quill feed was arranged by allowing the housing to screw itself in and out under the influence of a worm and wheel.
Instead of a micrometer dial or screw-set depth stop the quill travel was indicated by this direct-reading digital scale.