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Adept Lathes - Page 2
Sheffield, England and T.N.C Australia

Adept Lathes Home Page   Larger T.N.C.-CamSon Bench Lathe

Adept Shapers   Australian T.N.C. Adept   USA Adept   

Specialist Adept Pages    Mr. F.W.Portass   

Simple compound slide rest without micrometer dials - and the most basic of nuts embracing the Acme-form, left-hand 12 t.p.i. leadscrew

The tailstock was guided by ways down the middle of the bed and was fitted with a No. 0 Morse taper barrel. The handle on the leadscrew handwheel was properly waisted.

Rear View of the gap bed

A basic Adept with the original supplier's transfer

Original or modified ? Certainly the casting bolted to the front face of the headstock is a complex affair with its integral leadscrew bearing and tumble reverse mounting.

Just why the crude Adept 3-jaw chuck was so inadequate is obvious from the picture -
still, the jaws were hardened and, in skilled hands, remarkable results were possible.

Although it looks very Adept like, this "Wakefield" lathe was almost certainly built by Portass

The only-known example - an Adept (or a copy) with many detail differences including  a flat surface for the top of the bed, a longer, rectangular foot,  a tailstock with a different base and an absence of any Adept markings. Might this lathe have been made and marketed by Portass - or even by an unknown maker?

Adept Lathes Home Page   Larger T.N.C.-CamSon Bench Lathe

Adept Shapers   Australian T.N.C. Adept   USA Adept   Specialist Adept Pages   

Mr. F.W.Portass   Adept literature is available   

Adept Lathes - Page 2
Sheffield, England and T.N.C Australia
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