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Mellor Lathe
- and the "Birmel" -

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Reproductions of two Mellor sales catalogues and a price list are available

A Mellor converted to V-belt drive (note the belt-clearance cut-out in the front of the headstock casting) and mounted on the maker's cast-iron stand with a neat, self-contained countershaft unit. There is little doubt that the latter two items would have added considerably to the cost and hence would have been specified only by owners who were better off - or to meet a company's specific requirements. A careful inspection of the picture also shows the sliding and surfacing power feed altered from gear to belt drive and a larger-than-stand micrometer dial on the cross slide.

Note the unusual mounting point for the dial thread indicator and the considerable width of the (non-gap) bed ways.

A restored Mellor - unfortunately missing the changewheel bracket and gears

The rare Mellor capstan lathe of the early 1940s. Note the very heavy-duty 2-speed flat-belt drive to the headstock

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Reproductions of two Mellor sales catalogues and a price list are available

Mellor Lathe
- and the "Birmel" -
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