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Wolpert Testing Machines - Germany

Now reorganised as KB Prüftechnik, a company founded in September 1997 by two former Wolpert engineers, Claus Keßler and Peter Beisel, today the high-quality Wolpert testing machines continue in production. Although today the Company makes just hardness and spring-testing machines (as well as updating older ones) in the past the range was much larger with machines available suited to a range of industries. Examples included machines for tensile and compression testing; hardness testers set up for the automatic testing of production examples; multi-head hardness testers; automatic high-speed testing using the Brinell system with a capacity of up to 500 units per hour and a simplified readout of Good, Too Soft and Too Hard; hardness testers for rubber and plastic; one-off machines constructed for a customer's special requirements (these also able to be fitted with grinding and sorting attachments); 'dynamic' machines for the testing of textiles, synthetic material and wire, etc; the Visco-Elastometer that could establish the modulus of elasticity of non-resistant bending material like paper, foils, and textile yarns, etc; spring testers, and a pendulum-type Rapid Impact Tester for use on thin metal sheets.

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Wolpert Testing Machines - Germany