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W.Stephens Watchmakers' Lathe - Slide Rest Patent 1855

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This patent was not for a whole lathe - but for an unusual' slide rest' intended to be adaptable to lathes by other manufacturers. Resembling at a glance the type of 'combined lathe attachment' by makers such as Clement, the device had been granted patent 12,423 on February 20th 1855 - this text is shown towards the bottom of the page.
The fitting was designed to be both a slide rest for turning and a tailstock - with the tailstock's screw-fed spindle capable of being fitted with either a centre to hold between-centres work or a turning tool. When employed in the latter state, the only longitudinal travel available was that provided by the tailstock spindle, at a guess around one-and-a-half inches, which was sufficient for the sort of work undertaken on this class of lathe. Facing off was possible by slackening the assembly and using a screwed rod (N in the drawing) to rock the tool backwards and forwards.
William Stephens also secured another patent - 16,811, granted on March 10th 1857 - for a simple 2-jaw chuck; the patent document is shown at the bottom of the page.

Other American Watch Lathe Patents
Conklin   De Vries   Sanderson   Holt   Jackson   Chapin   Wild   Sawyer   Hunter   Messerer   Williams

   Shaller   Stehman   Hopkins   Cowels   Woerd   Horace Moseley   Ecaubert   Daniels-Moseley   

Witart   Kesselmeier   Scholer   Shaller   St.John

Other Lathes for Watchmakers
W.Stephens Watchmakers' Lathe - Slide Rest Patent 1855
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