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South Bend Lathes--USA
A wide range of high-quality reproduction South Bend literature is available

The hyperlink below take you to the various articles about South Bend machine tools.
Within each section are further links to additional pages and sets of pictures, etc.

South Bend Catalogs Complete Editions 1918 to 1967

South Bend 1941 Catalog Complete

South Bend Model 5 - Earliest of the 9-inch "Workshop" Lathes

First Ever Model 5 Catalog - the original "mention" of the 9-inch

South Bend 9-inch Catalogs

South Bend Lathes pre-1920

South Bend Lathes 1920-30

South Bend 9-inch "Workshop" Lathe

South Bend Lathe Accessories

8-inch & 9-inch Junior & Model R

8-inch and 9-inch Junior Lathes Photographic Essays

Historic, very early 1910 South Bend 10-inch

Series 20 Toolroom Lathe - a Superb Restoration

South Bend Heavy Ten - an overview

South Bend Heavy 10 from 1961 and 1991 Models

South Bend Heavy Ten Specification Catalogs
South Bend 10-K Light Ten

South Bend G-26-T
South Bend Silent-chain Drive Lathes

South Bend Lifted-Centre-Height Lathes

Copies and Clones of South Bend Lathes:
Boxford, Ace, Blomqvist, Smart & Brown, Purcell, Sheraton, Hercus, Sanches Blanes

Special Factory Production Machines

South Bend Factory

Manufacturing the South Bend Lathe

South Bend Users' Group

How old is my South Bend Lathe?

The Rarest South Bend Lathe Of All

South Bend Shapers

Rebuilding a 1952 South Bend 13-inch - an expert shows how (large PDF)

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