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Robinson Type ZA/T Cutter Grinder

Robinson was a long-established Company, founded in 1838 as timber merchants, joiners and carpenters. Over many decades until the 1960s, they manufactured over 700 different types of high-class woodworking machines emerged from 13-acre factory site near Rochdale, Lancashire, England. The complete history of this once substantial Company can be found here and if you need parts or service for a Robinson machine, contact
The tool and cutter grinder illustrated, the Model ZA/T, was current during the 1950s and 1960s. It weighed 259 lbs and was a specialised machine intended for use on solid relieved tonguing and grooving and profile-ground mould cutters.
It could grind both right and left-handed cutters with a face width of up to 3 inches and a diameter of 8 inches - and without the need to remove them from their bush holders. Powered by a 1 h.p. motor - mounted on slide rails at the side of the machine - the spindle ran at 2700 r.p.m. in adjustable ball bearing and was fitted with a dished, 7-inch diameter grinding wheel protected by a semi-circular guard in steel. The cutter arbour was moved by hand across the grinding wheel with the vertical adjustment by a spring-loaded screw..