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Rivett R1 Late-model Watchmakers' Lathe

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The distinctive Post WW-2 Rivett Model R1 watchmakers' lathe as manufactured by the then Rivett Lathe & Grinder Corporation. Approximately 500 to 600 examples were made from 1946 to around 1950 - all fitted with a headstock spindle running in ball races. The use of anti-friction bearings in watchmakers' lathes was not unusual, examples being made by, amongst others,  Levin, Coronet, Derbyshire, and Marshall. The large pedestal beneath the headstock is usually found in cast aluminium - but ones in cast iron were also produced. Extra pictures of the R1 here
If you have an R1, especially one with accessories, the writer would appreciate pictures to add to the Archive

Rivett Watchmakers' Home Page  Rivett Main Page

Rivett R1 Late-model Watchmakers' Lathe
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