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Combination Squares,  Engineers' Steel Try Squares
Adjustable Try Squares

Micrometers external, internal, depth and telescoping

Universal Bevel Protractors, Bevel & Setting Protractor

Universal Surface Gauges, V-Blocks and Clamps
Calipers and Dividers

Although many hand-held precision measuring instruments have now become easy-to-read digital types, there is still widespread use of the more traditional mechanical type. However, some types, especially those used for marking out, cannot be digitised, these including bevel protractors, bevel amd setting protractors, combination squares, try squares, surface plates and gauges, V-blocks and calipers and dividers. The following pages, originally published by the well-known Moore & Wright Company of Sheffield, England, show how these various tools are constructed and used properly.

High-resolution pictures - may take time to open

Micrometers external, internal, depth and telescoping

Universal Bevel Protractors, Bevel & Setting Protractor

Universal Surface Gauges, V-Blocks and Clamps
Calipers and Dividers
Combination Squares,  Engineers' Steel Try Squares
Adjustable Try Squares
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