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Lorch LL1 "Tall-feet" Clockmakers' Lathe

Lorch LL Continued on Page 2 

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Made from the early years of the 20th century, the Lorch LL series lathes were, in effect, of the WW (Webster Whitcombe) design with a round bed, cut flat at the top and with bevelled sides. Instead of the usual WW 50 mm centre height, that on the LL was 65 with a capacity a capacity between centres of 240 mm, or optionally, 300 mm. The general build was also rather heavier, though not quite in the class of the "bench precision type".
Several versions were offered including the Model 1a on short bed feet (the tall feet were just a no-cost option); the No. 2 (tall feet)  and 2a (short feet) with screwcutting by a Carden-shaft drive to the top slide; the No.3 (tall feet) and No.3a (short feet) fitted with a sliding headstock spindle and chase screwcutting for the generation of short but very accurate threads; the No.3b (high feet) and 3C (short feet) with a fixed headstock spindle but fitted with chase screwcutting by a bar mounted behind the headstock. The distinctive  final model in the series was the No.24b, this being available on either short or tall feet and fitted for production work with a lever-action collet closer on the headstock, lever-operated cross and top slides (sometimes called either "cut-off" or "forming" slides) and a lever-operated tailstock with a six-station capstan-type toolholder. Important accessories that could be fitted to the 1a included the 30b headstock-mounted universal dividing attachment - a fitting normally accompanied by the No.7 toolpost-mounted milling attachment driven from an "overhead" by a round 'gut' rope and used, for example, to cut gears. Other useful items that extended the lathes' versatility were the No.30 headstock-mounted division plate and the horizontal milling attachment, this being mounted on an angle plate secured to the cross slide, driven from an overhead and available as the No.7
1/2 with backgear or the No. 71/3 without..

A thoroughly well-equipped Lorch Model LLa with the maker's countershaft and overhead dive systems, 3 and 4-jaw chcuks, faceplate with clamps, division plates, milling slides, lever and screw-feed tailstocks, machine vices, steadies and a mass of other accessories.

Lorch LL Continued on Page 2

Lorch LL1 "Tall-feet" Clockmakers' Lathe

A detailed, full-range 76-page catalogue is available
for Lorch lathes of this and other types

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