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Ellis & Reeds Lathe

Ellis & Reeds were engineers, based in Wibsey, near Bradford. Little is known of the Company save that they advertised for a sort time during the late 1920s offering a 4-inch centre height lathe in two forms: the Model P and Model G - the former (at £12 :  10s) without backgear the latter (at £15 : 10s) with.
Resembling the contemporary flat-bed 3.5-inch Drummond, the bed was of cantilever form and equipped with a deep gap. Although the same type of very useful automatic disengage was fitted to the carriage drive, by the late 1920s, when the advertisements appeared, the full nut on the leadscrew of the Ellis & Reeds had been made to look very old-fashioned by the inclusion of a proper clasp nut and the addition of a rack-and-pinion hand drive on the Drummond. Another old-fashioned aspect was the two-parallel-slot changewheel bracket instead of a more versatile forked type.
Available as an option was a cast-iron stand and chip tray assembly incorporating the usual type of treadle-drive mechanism; this was listed at an extra £4 : 10s.
Like most small British lathes of the time the lathe was also listed and advertised as a Zyto (a brand marketed by the mail-order firm of S. Tyzack & Sons) and may not have carried any maker's identification.

Ellis & Reed lathe circa 1929

Although not confirmed, this does appear to be an Ellis & Reeds lathe: a cantilever bed, dog clutch at the headstock end of the leadscrew, a simple apron with a full nut for the leadscrew, a tailstock of the same distinctive appearance and a changewheel bracket with, in this case, no fewer than three parallel slots (the headstock appears to have been repaired).

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Ellis & Reeds Lathe