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F.Brittain Hand-operated Planing Machine London

This sturdily-built hand-operated planing machine with a 4-spoke capstan operating hand driving a 30" x 10" table could have been at any time from the late 1800 to the 1930s--when such machines were still illustrated in the hard-bound catalogues of the larger machine-tool merchants. However, judging by the over-size nuts, open bevel gears and the table drive gear with a shoulder it's almost certainly late Victorian. Although hand-operated the machine would have been capable of very useful work - even today they are a sought-after tool--and able to mount odd-shaped castings and other difficult workpieces with ease. All planers also have the advantage of being remarkably compact for their enormous machining capacity.
F. Brittain (if indeed they were the maker and not just a dealer) are a long-forgotten make with, apparently, no surviving records. Should any reader have details of the Company  the writer would be interested to hear from you..

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F.Brittain Hand-operated Planing Machine London