Whether the flat-bottom V ground into the top of the table is original or a modification by a previous owner is not known. Damage has been repaired very neatly by two let-in sections
High-quality, finely-engraved micrometer dials with a slightly angled face and knurled-edge, face-thrust screw locks that ensured the setting did not change when tightened
Knee-lift control--on turn of the handle gave 0.050" of travel
Instead of a conventional feed-screw and nut, the cross-feed was driven by a large-diameter, finely threaded boss that meshed with a rack - in exactly the same manner as employed on some Pre-WW-2 Mikron precision milling machines. One turn of the handle gave 0.100" of travel
Longitudinal feed screw. 0.625" x 10 t.p.i.
Complete spiral-bevel gearing of the Z-axis (vertical). One turn of the handle gave a lift of 0.050"