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Founded in 1925, the Arrel Manufacturing Co. were based originally in Letchworth and manufactured universal spanners and tyre fitting and removal equipment for the motor trade. Having connections to garages and small repair shops perhaps they saw an opportunity to sell re-badged SuperRelm lathes, a useful and relatively inexpensive 4.5" x 20" backgeared and screwcutting machine that had been in production since WW1. However, as no examples of the Arrel are known to have survived, perhaps their sole known advertisement (from which the picture below was taken) was a toe-in-the-water exercise and sales were zero. Arrel were wound up on May 15, 1933 a few weeks after moving from Letchworth into premises at Digswell Road, off Holloway Road, London N.17.
It might be that "Arrel" also sold other very much larger machines, one being discovered in New Zealand and that carries a screwed-on plate proclaiming "Arrel Made in England". The lathe looks nothing like the writer has seen from an English maker and so, like those wallets that used to have a little tab inside stamped "Genuine Leather" - while the tab was leather, the wallet was not. The metal plate was made in England - but the lathe was probably an import.

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